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Seeds 41 Keys Chromatic Kalimba 3 octaves Flat Solid Board Thumb Finger Piano
Seeds 41 Keys Chromatic Kalimba 3 octaves Flat Solid Board Thumb Finger Piano
Normaler Preis$84.90$84.90
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Seeds 41 Keys 3 octaves Chromatic Kalimba Solid Board thumb piano ★Full chromatic scale ★Three-layer integrated stabilizing key layout, only 6 screws, small stability error. ★Longer sustained sound ★Lightweight body for easy play. ★Extensible keys. The 3 octaves range provides a full sound and a musical experience perfect for all levels of musicians. Material: Okoume Size: 18.3 x 12.6 x 2.2cm / 7.2 x 4.96 x 0.86 in