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Hluru Mini Lyre Harp 7-string "Light on earth" Instrument Gift for Beginners
Hluru Mini Lyre Harp 7-string "Light on earth" Instrument Gift for Beginners
Normaler Preis$46.90$46.90
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Bring music to life with the Hluru Mini Lyre Harp. Its delicate 7-string simple design creates a tender, healing sound perfect for beginners. Crafted with high quality materials, this mini lyre is a great gift for music lovers. Let "Light on Earth" sing through your fingertips. Hluru expresses the respect to the nature, by adopting the magnificent art of the earth, the time goese & seasons march, just like the fire & the light, carrying the reverence for life all around the world.
Specification ★ Model: Light on earth ★ Materials: Beech / Cherry ★ Strings: 7 strings Height 40cm / 15.8" x Maximum width at top 15.2cm / 5.9"